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Sunday, June 28, 2020

Mysterious Civilization of Ancient America | Mysterious Civilization of Ancient America In English

America was discovered by Christopher Columbus or was discovered by Vasco de Gama, these are the same facts as if someone from your family went to America for the first time and returned and told you that I discovered America.
Mysterious Civilization of Ancient America

But you will not listen to that member but will laugh at him and advise him to keep quiet, why, because you know that people from other countries are going to America and coming back from hundreds of years ago.
But five to six hundred years ago this was not so. The western world was completely unaware of the mysterious land of the American continent. Towards the end of the fifteenth century (in 1492), Columbus first set foot on the earth of the 'New World', which the world knows today as America.

American people celebrate Columbus Day (Columbus Day) on the second Monday of October every year. This day is declared a holiday in most places in America.
But it was not that no one lived in America before Columbus or the world did not know about America. As the work of archaeologists and researchers is advancing, the haze over the history of ancient civilizations flourishing on American soil has started to fade.

The mysteries of the Inca, Maya, Aztec civilizations had just begun to unfold that the remnants of America's oldest civilization began to be found. This was the Olmec Civilization. All the remains of Olmec civilization are quite mysterious. Based on the evidence found, it is believed that from 1200 years BC to 200 years BC, this civilization flourished in Central America and surrounding areas.

So far, archaeologists have found authentic signs of Olmec civilization at four places, namely Laguna de los cerros, San Lorenzo, Tres Zapotes and La Venta.
Due to the presence of rubber trees around them, the founders of this civilization are called 'Olmec' because the rubber is called Ollin in the local language. Olmec civilization is also called Cultura Madre i.e. Mother Culture of Central America in the local language.

This is also true because after that the flourishing links of almost all the ancient American civilizations are somewhere connected with the Olmec civilization, so who were the Olmec people? Where did you come from? Around the thirteenth century BC, in the Gulf of Mexico, this civilization that came into existence suddenly disappeared one day, their entire existence ended.

Central America's dense, tropical forests, low marshland, rivers, and floods of Soto - are inaccessible conditions for the development of any civilization, but the Olmec civilization developed through these difficulties.

This fact makes the amazing remains of this civilization even more curious, the sudden disappearance of this civilization without leaving any trace, there is a panic in the hearts and minds of the researchers.

Although the people of Olmec civilization had developed a writing system of their own but archaeologists have not been able to find much records till this time, apart from this manuscripts have not been found enough that scholars understand the mysterious words of their script. Could.

As a result, what we know about the Olmec civilization today is based on the guess of the amazing remains found in archaeological excavations. For example, the residents of Olmec have left behind amazing crafts made by them.

The most famous among them is the 'giant human head' made by him. You can guess from the picture given on this page. Anthropologists were amazed to see the shapes and expressions of these faces because they were not able to connect these faces to any well-known human civilization.

These copies of the mysterious human head are made by carving a round boulder of basalt (a kind of very hard, dark, very hard rock). Technically, in today's time, it is difficult to get this work done even with today's modern instruments. Such work done by a civilization 3200 years before today creates surprises. Till date, at least eighteen works have been found as such.

These giant human heads, ranging in height from one to three meters, belong to older humans with oblique eyes, protruding noses, raised cheeks. These mystical heads seem to have been the rulers of Olmec or influential people who built them as a symbol of their increased power, the way Jai Varman VII did in Angkordham, Cambodia.

La Vantaa of Mexico remained the largest religious center of the Olmec civilization for nearly 1000 years. A small staircase pyramid has been found here. In front of which there is a square umbrella which rests on the basalt pillars standing on all four corners.

Nearby, America's oldest ball playing court has been built, surrounded by a border of two parallel mounds. Carved rocks, ornate altars, and giant faces of basalt are found inside these monuments.
Near the church located in a village, there is a sculpture of green stone which looks like a virgin woman is carrying a child while some scholars estimate that the idol is of a man. Who has raised the god of rain in his hands.

Another similar mysterious idol is found in the form of a pillar of basalt in which a man with a monkey-like face is looking towards the sky. People still get confused by seeing this whether it is a human-like monkey or a man with a monkey-like face? Seeing the statues of giant faces made from basalt 18 to 20 tons of weight stone, archaeologists speculated that these stones must have been brought here by the way of rivers.

Most researchers believe that these giant faces must have been the kings or influential people there, but some other scholars think that these faces are the defeated players of a dangerous game played with a three-pound heavy rubber ball.
By the way, by seeing the dress placed on the head of these faces, it seems that this can happen. The Olmec society was a powerful, capable and organized society, but by coming 200 years ago, this civilization vanishes completely from the history of the world. The reason is still unknown today.

Although the discovery of this civilization is very recent, the records and archaeological remains show that the Olmec civilization had a profound influence on later evolving civilizations like Aztec Civilization, Maya Civilization etc.
For example, when the Spaniards encountered the Aztec people, they saw the Aztec people playing a special type of game with rubber balls, which was actually a product of the Olmec civilization.
Apart from this game, some other features (like the study of solar system in space) were also the product of Olmec civilization which was adopted by Maya etc.

Who was the founder of the Olmec civilization? Where did he come from and where did he disappear? The answer to these questions is currently hidden in mystery. Who knows that the world is looking for space outside the earth, their past should be connected to the earth itself. But if this is the case then we have to find the way inside.
Also read:- 
History Of America (USA
60 Amazing Facts About America.
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