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Saturday, June 27, 2020

History Of America (USA) | History Of America (USA) In English

America / United States of America (U.S.A) is a country located in the North American continent. Its capital is Washington. America is also known as New World. With 38 million square miles (98 million km2) and a population of over 32.4 million, the United States is the world's third largest (and fourth largest by land area) country by total area, and the third largest by population. Countries It is one of the most ethnically diverse and multicultural nations in the world.

Introduction to the United States of america-

United States of America (USA), commonly known as the United States of America or America. The largest cities in this country are New York City. It is a country with 50 states, a federal district, five main self-governing territories and many rights. 48 out of fifty states and a federal district are combined and are located in Canada and Mexico in North America.

The geography, climate and wildlife here are extremely diverse. There are many subordinate regions of America which also spread to Oceania and other places. It is a presidential republic. With a population of 30.5 million, it is the world's most populous country after China and India, although despite being ranked third, its population is much lower than the first two. By 2010, about 80% of urbanization in America has been done and is developing day by day.

History of the United States of America-

When Columbus set out in search of India in 1492, he was en route to an island near the American continents that he deemed to be India, but another explorer named Amerigo Vespucci stated that it was not India but America. When European countries received information about the American continents, it was vying to create its own colony, in which Britain, Spain and France were at the forefront.

The term "America" ​​is used mostly in Hindi and many other languages ​​for the United States, which is not technically correct because the word America was used by Europeans for this whole new world, not the present one. to the United States. America is also known as New World because these continents were discovered by Europeans in the 15th century itself. However earlier this area was known to 'Viking' and 'Inuit' people and locals.
Paleo Indians migrated from Asia to North America about 15,000 years ago. The settlement of the European people began here in the 16th century. America too has been a slave to the British like other countries.

In the eastern part of present-day America, the people of Britain had settled 13 separate colonies which ruled under the British flag. In these 13 colonies, there were other people of Europe except England.
America was under British power until the 18th century. But an incident on December 16, 1773, popularly known as the Boston Tea Party, overturned the fate of America. It is noteworthy that in the year 1773, a resolution was passed in the British Parliament to impose some tax on Americans on the import of tea as a symbol. This tax was not much but only as a symbol which meant that America was a slave to Britain. But the United States did not approve of anyone playing with his honor and sovereignty, so he also considered the symbolic tax too heavy.

In protest against this symbolic tax, members of a political party called the Sons of Liberty refused to return three ships of tea on Boston Harbor to Britain and dumped the tea-laden tea into the Chester River. This was the method of opposition of the American people, according to which he made it clear that there is nothing more for him than his sovereignty.

The United States then emerged in the East Coast with 13 British colonies. After this incident, actions against British rule in America increased and finally in 1775 this event gave rise to 'American Revolution'. On July 4, 1776, the Colony was fighting alongside Great Britain in the American Revolution War, while representatives of the 13 colony unanimously adopted the Declaration of Independence.

United States, the name was suggested by Thomas Penn and officially used in the July 4, 1776 Declaration of Independence. The United States is also often used for short form. The war ended with the independence of the United States from Great Britain in 1783 and was the first successful war against the European Colony Empire. In 1788, the United Nations implemented its constitution and George Washington became its first president.
However, a lot of changes were made to the basic structure of the government in 1788 when the Articles of Confederation were replaced by the US Constitution. The first ten amendments of the constitution were renamed the Bill of Rights, ratified in 1791 and designed for fundamental civil liberties.

California and the current American Southwest merged with the US in 1848 due to American intervention in Mexico. The newly fledged country began a war-cycle on the local Indian people to expand their borders towards the west, which lasted until the late nineteenth century and the local Americans had to lose their lands.
The United States began vigorous expansion in North America by displacing the Indian tribe in the 19th century, in which they also acquired new territories and gradually created some new states. In the second phase of the 19th century, the American Civil War ended legal slavery in the country. In 1954, school racial segregation was declared unconstitutional and a civil rights campaign was launched in the United States for the rights of people of African descent. By the end of this century, the United States had extended to the Pacific Ocean and the country economic situation had also become quite strong, as well as the Industrial Revolution in the country.

In the First World War, the United States of America showed the power of military power and ensured itself globally. The United States emerged as a global superpower from World War II, becoming the first country to develop nuclear weapons, and the first country to use them in war, as well as a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council. The dissolution of the Soviet Union and the end of the peace war came to be known as the United States Superpower in 1991. And developed in the developed countries of the world.

Economy of the United States -

The United States economy is the largest economy in the world. Cognitive GDP of the US was estimated at $ 14,300 billion for the year 2009, the highest in the world. Not only this, per capita production is also very high in the world economy.
In 2009, it was estimated at $ 46,381, the sixth highest in the world. Historically, the United States economy has maintained stable GDP growth rates, low unemployment rates, and high levels of research and capital investment, both national and declining savings rates, funded by foreign investors. And research and capital are both national and, increasingly due to low savings rates, high levels of money investment by foreign investors. In 2009, consumer expenditure combined with government healthcare expenditure accounted for 70% of the global economy.

America is a country whose economy is being followed by other countries. The construction sector of the United States economy is the second largest manufacturing sector in the world. While the population of the United States is only 4.4% of the global population and its GDP is equal to the quarter of the global GDP and it is in the third place among the countries that spend the most on military work, but even today the United States military power and economic Shakti is considered a superpower.

The United States also has an influence on the political status and cultural force of the United States. Here the currency is the dollar, which is the second largest valuable currency in the world. America has the largest number of billionaires in the world. In any case, America is ahead of the rest of the world.
Interesting things to know about America from here

60 Amazing Facts About America 

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